we are Demoed.

We are a team of founders that have built and sold products across the enterprise landscape.

Generating leads is the most critical and difficult part of growing a business. Cold outreach, phone and email, are broken.

Buyers are reluctant to answer their phone or provide their contact information knowing sales teams will constantly follow up as part of their sales motion. This eliminates casual shopping which can be mutually beneficial for both buyers and sellers.

Next generation solutions are being created every day.  We exist to help buyers find them.

A Letter From our Founder

I started Demoed to get more eyeballs on more products. When I ran an enterprise software company, I knew we had a chance to win any deal if we could get someone to see our product. Whether they had no solution in place or were using a competitor, I know we had a fighting chance if they accepted a demo from our team.

But as we all know, people don’t want to give out their information anymore because sales and marketing programs are designed to send 10-15 follow-ups. That is their job and should not be frowned upon but there has to be a better way.

On Demoed, buyers can casually explore new tools without the risk of follow up when they are not ready to buy. Watch, learn, and ask questions. 70% of the research about products is done before someone actually talks to the company. That blew my mind.

Demoed is changing the buying process. Our goal is for you to explore more tools.

Watch a demo of an earlier stage product so you can stay on top of what innovation exists – everyone has AI so see what they have in place today.

If you see a company that puts out a press release, check out the new feature – especially if you use their competitor.

Companies on Demoed have 5, 15, and 30 minute sessions on a regular basis. We know everyone is busy but 5 minutes to learn about new functionality could end up saving you hours in your day to day.

Thanks for joining the Demoed platform. If you have a product you love, send them our way. It only helps you to get more clients.

Let's keep in touch

Have a question before you ditch your boring approach to sales? Feel free to reach out to us!

Next Generation Sales Platform - Window Shopping for Cyber Solutions

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Washington DC